Fabryka Broni from Radom, Poland (FB Radom) presented yesterday latest prototypes of MSBS assault rifle. This rifle, designed together with Military Technical Academy in Warsaw is proposition of next generation assault rifle for Polish Army.
Today is 68th anniversary of Warsaw Rising 1944. Polish Resistance fought Nazi Germany for control over capital city of Poland. At same time Soviet Russia prevented US and British airforce from providing aid, by refusing them landing and refuel, but even at edge of range British, US and Polish pilots tried to help Warsaw, paying ultimate price. Also Polish soldiers from Red Army, that came to help Resistance was cut off from supply and support. When II World War started on 1st of September 1939, there were 1,300,000 inhabitants in Warsaw, after fall of Warsaw Uprising there was less than 1,000 people living in City of Ruins. Today, as every 1st of August city of Warsaw will stop for 1 minute at 5 p.m. UTC+1.
When in Warsaw, please visit Warsaw Rising Museum (http://www.1944.pl/en/). If you want to know more about those terrible events, watch this BBC movie below (after page break) on one of biggest atrocities in WWII: